All alignment and posture begins in the feet. Our mobility and ability to move and navigate space also begins in our feet. Our ability to connect with and understand our environment, to coordinate and support our all of the body's joints, to detox and reduce inflammation, to feel grounded and safe, all involve the incredible structures we call our feet.
In this class, we will work through a full foot care routine that is suitable and effective for improving most foot ailments and pain issues. We will learn to understand how our feet help us navigate, coordinate, and generate health and stability for our body as a whole. Through strengthening and mobility techniques we will teach our feet to be strong and adaptable. Most important of all, in this class we will learn how to walk! Yes, most of us learned the basics years ago, but understanding the biomechanics and weightbearing options of our feet will dramatically enhance your posture, gait, and effective use of your entire body!
When we become more mindful of our feet and how we use them, we become centered, grounded, and in driver's seat as we explore all of life's many destinations!
With the CWY Yoga on Demand subscription you can gain access to this video and over 70 other yoga classes with Erin Jacob covering a wide range of holistic topics.
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