Tues. Nov. 5th - 9:30-10:45am
Whiplash 101:
Neck & Upper Back Repair
Wed. Nov. 6th - 9:30-10:45am
Hip Pain Prevention & Repair

Join me online this Tuesday or Wednesday morning for some Virtual Therapeutic Yoga! Here’s what I’ve got on the menu this week:
Tues. Nov. 5th - 9:30-10:45am
Whiplash 101:
Neck & Upper Back Repair
Whiplash is an injury that happens when sudden impact or movement causes your neck to be forcibly bent forward and then backward, or vice versa, like we would see in the action of a whip. The associated forces involved in such an accident can damage the muscles, ligaments, and fascial membranes of the neck and upper back, and can often create injury to the nerves and bones in this region. If left untreated, the incorrect development of scar tissue and compensatory patterns often create long-term pain and misalignment patterns that leave us with frustration and limitation.
Luckily, treatment of whiplash related injuries can be done relatively quickly after the onset of the injury (depending on the circumstances anywhere from immediately to a few weeks after injury), AND the damage can be reversed after decades of neglect and pain, or anywhere in between! This gentle class will teach you what you need to know to care for whiplash injuries at all stages, and even if you don't have a whiplash injury, will help to improve your upper back and neck mobility, postural alignment, and fascial health!
***If you have experienced a whiplash injury within the last 8 weeks, please be sure to let me know in advance****
Wed. Nov. 6th - 9:30-10:45am
Hip Pain Prevention & Repair
Hip pain is something which, once it sets in, can be a major limiting factor to our health, happiness, and mobility. Most often when client's tell me the history of their hip pain, it begins small and intermittent and slowly over time became worse until they could no longer ignore as it progresses to a chronic pain that was with them every step of the day, and even over night, preventing comfort and sleep. The reality is that our hips are incredibly tough and resilient structures. They are masters of compensation and the work horses of the body. However, long-term misalignment, compensation, or soft-tissue imbalances can have devasting effects that compound over time and can lead to catastrophic pain and disability if not cared for properly.
This class is designed as the first, and most critical, step towards repairing hip pain and dysfunction. Jumping straight into long walks, squats, and gym routines to strengthen a painful hip can often lead to more pain than less. Yes, strengthening is an important part of the process, but first it is important to rebalance the fascial tension and joint alignment of the many associated hip structures in order to achieve success in the strengthening department. This class will take your hips through a basic care routine that will serve to improve existing pain, injury and misalignment, generate better tissue balance and joint mobility, and give your hips the maintenance routine that will keep them operating in a healthy way. Prevention is always the best medicine, so if your hips only hurt intermittently, now is the time to start! If you've missed that window of opportunity, don't worry! I'll help you start slow and show you how small improvements can compound over time to profound results!
Register at: www.centeredwithinyoga.com/in-person-and-virtual-classes
I look forward to seeing you in class!