Tues. Oct. 22nd - 9:30-10:45am
Knees & ITs
Wed. Oct. 23rd - 9:30-10:45am
Shoulder & Neck Therapeutics

Tues. Oct. 22nd - 9:30-10:45am
Knees & ITs
Do you get knee pain? Pain in the outer
side of your hips or thighs? Do your legs and hips feel stiff when you get out of bed in the morning? If so, this class is the perfect solution!
Here we will take a deep exploration of our knees and our IT Bands (illiotibial tracts), learning how they function, how they affect each other, and most importantly, how to heal and rebalance them together to create a healthier more comfortable movement pattern that your entire body will appreciate! Through myofascial release, gentle stretching, and mobility exercises we will remove the adhesions that prevent balanced movement, retrain and restrengthen our stabilizing tissues, and create the space and freedom of movement that our joints deserve and need!
Wed. Oct. 23rd - 9:30-10:45am
Shoulder & Neck Therapeutics
Join me for a relaxing class designed to improve the mobility of our shoulders, realign our neck, and reduce pain in the entire upper body. In this class we will learn how our upper back and shoulder alignment affect the health and alignment of our neck. We will explore techniques that help to improve our posture, reduce tightness and adhesions in our shoulders, and reduce any pain or misalignment in our neck. Explore the 'hidden culprits' that often fly under the radar of our awareness and quietly cause referral pain in other areas and learn how to release them through a safe process that will make both your neck and shoulders happier and healthier!
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Register at: www.centeredwithinyoga.com/in-person-and-virtual-classes