Virtual Meditation & Myofascial Release
Renew to your body, promote relaxation, bring mental clarity, and improve your quality of sleep
Class Details:
Join us every second Thursday from 7:00–8:00 PM for an online restorative experience- designed to renew your body, promote relaxation, bring mental clarity, and improve your quality of sleep. This class is accessible for all levels, including those with minor injuries or health conditions. Restoration Thursdays is led by Astika, who is experienced in helping students adapt the practice to meet their individual needs. You will be guided through a nurturing, compassionate practice that encourages deep healing and self-care from the comfort of your own home. What to Expect: Meditation & Gentle Breathwork: We begin with a grounding meditation and diaphragmatic breathing. Calming the mind and promoting the parasympathetic nervous system. Meditation and gentle guided breathwork is also interwoven throughout the entire experience Spinal Decompression: We use miracle balls (or other props you have on hand) to restore the spine, soften the back muscles, and open the front of the body and the ribcage- inviting more space for fuller breaths. Self-Massage with Massage Balls: We use self massage techniques to target areas of tension and tightness. We often massage before stretching- to help us settle into the poses a little easier Gentle Stretching: We incorporate gentle stretches to improve flexibility, align our posture, release tension and stress, and prevent injury. All of the stretches are accessible to all, with ways to modify- meet your body where it's at Restorative Poses: Comfortable supported positions using a yoga bolster (or pillows, blankets, blocks) breathe and relax- restoring the body and mind. Mindful Movement: Slow, intentional movements to improve mobility and feel more spaciousness in the body. Positive Affirmations & Mindset Shifting: Integrate affirmations to nurture a positive mindset and encourage self-compassion. Props: We suggest having a few items on hand to support your practice: - Large Yoga Bolster - sub with a couch cushion, a large pillow - Tune Up Balls in mesh bag - sub with 2 massage balls, lacrosse balls, or tennis balls, in a sock with an elastic band around the end. - Miracle balls- We highly suggest purchasing a pair of miracle balls. However, there are ways to make do without. If you don't have miracle balls Astika will give you recommendations per class on what to use if you don't have them. - Neck Pillow- sub with rolled up blanket, thick scarf, or towel - Blanket or two - Yoga blocks- sub with pillows