Any therapist will agree that the most common injury we see with clients arriving for treatment in acute pain is usually described by the term 'I Put My Back Out,' and is usually caused by a movement involving forward flexion with a slight rotation such as picking up an item off the floor or tying one's shoes. The pain is usually experienced immediately during the movement, and often manifests as a sharp, shooting, or locking type pain in the lower back, and is usually predominant on one side of the spine. The pain persists for days on end, we may end up bed ridden or have a hard time standing up straight, and often we can retrigger the pain any time we begin to bend forward in space.
Does this sound like something you have experienced in the past or are currently working through? If so, than you are not alone! Our human biomechanics make it incredibly easy to experience this kind of pain at some point in life. Don't worry, there are many things you can do to not only help get rid of the pain and inflammation, but also to improve and repair your mobility in such a way to make sure that the issue doesn't reappear again in the future!
This class is dedicated to all of us who have 'put our backs out' and will empower you to take control of your healing and get things back on track from the comfort of home!