Join me online this Tuesday or Wednesday morning some great Therapeutic Yoga! Here’s what I’ve got on the menu this week:
Tues. Jan. 28th - 9:30-10:45am
Vagus Yoga for Up-regulation:
Relieving Depression & Dissociation
In this class we discuss Polyvagal Theory as we learn to understand what is happening in our nervous system when we are experiencing sadness, depression, a lack of motivation, grief, hopelessness, numbness, or dissociation. All of these emotional experiences happen within the part of our nervous system which controls our 'fawn, freeze, or play dead' instincts and has evolved to help us survive trauma or difficult experiences. Learn to understand the wisdom contained within this oldest evolutionary construct of your nervous system, and learn what causes us to get 'stuck' in these emotional experiences when this system become over-engaged or out of balance. Most importantly, we will learn an array of techniques that will help to 'upregulate' your nervous system, helping you to get unstuck, able to create closure, regain motivation, increase your energy, and get moving back into a healthy mental state of peace and ease.
Wed. Jan. 29th - 9:30-10:45am
SI Joints & Hips
Do you get pain in your lower back, butt, or hips? Do your hips or back feel stiff and achy when you get up after sitting for a while? Do you have tight hip flexors or have 'pinchy' spots in the front of your hips? Would you like to take care of your hips so you can continue to use them comfortably well into your old age?
If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then this class is for you! In this class we will explore a deep decompression of our hips, Sacro-Iliac Joints, lower back, and hips. From fascial release, to mobilization, to deep long holds of stretches, we will work our way thoroughly through these areas and give them the love and repair they deserve!
Register at: www.centeredwithinyoga.com/in-person-and-virtual-classes
I look forward to seeing you in class!