Join me online this Tuesday morning for a special Pop-Up Class, or on Wednesday morning for our regular weekly Therapeutic Yoga class! Here’s what I’ve got on the menu for this week:
Tues. Apr. 30th - 11:00am-12:00 pm
Special Pop-Up Class:
SI Joints & Hips
In this class we will take a look at the function of our Sacro-Iliac Joints, their relationship to the pelvis and hips, and the various causes of dysfunction that make our SI Joints such a common place to experience pain and discomfort. Using fascial rolling, deep stretches, and mobility exercise, we will help to decompress, rebalance, and restore the natural function of these joints so we can enjoy the freedom of pain free movement!
If you get lower back or hip pain, have arthritis in your hips or spine, bursitis, sciatica, impingement, or are just generally stiff, sore, or looking to improve your mobility, this class will show you a routine to shift the tide and start allowing positive progress and healing to begin.
Wed. May 1st - 9:30-10:45am
Yoga Therapy for Stress & Anxiety
Stress is a common factor in life that most of humanity understands and has experienced to varying degrees, usually often in life. But what is the difference between stress and anxiety? What happens to our nervous system when we are in an anxious state? How do we reduce and eliminate these uncomfortable experiences? What can we learn about ourselves and life through them? How can yoga and mindfulness enhance our resiliency and improve our ability to process and function in a healthy way as we journey through life's trials and tribulations?
Join me this Wednesday and learn how mindfulness, breathing exercises, and gentle stretching can teach us to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth that arises from these neural states, and find ways to transform old patterns into new opportunities for understanding and growth!
Register at:
I look forward to seeing you in class!
New to Online Yoga?
Your first class is free!
Simply visit our Virtual Classes page, select the date you'd like on the calendar bar, and click the 'Book' button beside the class. On the payment screen you'll see an option for 'First Class Free.' If you select this the system will process your check out at $0.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you have or to learn how virtual Therapeutic Yoga can help you with your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing!