Join me online this Tuesday evening for a special Pop-Up Class, or on Wednesday morning for our weekly Therapeutic Repair Class! Here’s what I’ve got on the menu this week:
Tues. Apr. 16th – 6:00-7:00pm – Ribcage Release Class
Historically, therapists have always assessed the function of the thoracic spine separately from the function of the ribs, however, in reality we can not separate the health and movement options of one without considering the other. In fact, the movement capacity of our ribcage affects every part of our body from our head down to our toes. In this class we explore our ribcage and learn how to increase mobility where our ribs meet our spine, loosen the tissues that support it through our thorax and chest, and explore some 'hidden culprits' of the ribcage which are often silently contributing to neck pain & headaches, shoulder injuries, shortness of breath, and/or a lack of rotational capacity in the body.
If you experience unresolved pain in your back, pelvis, or neck, if you have trouble taking a deep breath, or if you participate in 'rotational sports' such as golf, baseball, hockey, or tennis and are looking to improve your game, this class is for you!
Wed. Apr. 17th – 9:30-10:45 am – Pelvic Floor Health
Our pelvic floor musculatures are some of the least talked about tissues in the body, but in reality, they control so much of what it means to be strong, mobile, and in support of healthy organ activity. When our pelvic floor muscles are healthy, strong, and well connected, we experience a sense of vitality and ease of movement that allows us to explore life to it's fullest. When our pelvic floor muscles are weak, chronically engaged, or disconnected from our conscious control, we can experience a very large number of associated health conditions from incontinence and prolapse, to reproductive organ issues, low libido and self-esteem, a decline in sexual stamina, as well as kidney stones, bladder infections and holding issues, infertility, lower back and hip pain, pelvic misalignment, and digestive issues, to name a few. In fact, our pelvic floor musculature is some of the most important muscle action in the body!
But what is the pelvic floor? Where is the pelvic diaphragm and how does it work? How is it different from the perineum and other tissue that are often confused with the pelvic diaphragm? What is the best way to exercise this area?
Come explore these answers, explore the unknown zones of your body, and learn the ancient yogic technique of Mula Bandha - yoga's great secret to keeping our pelvic floor active, adaptable, and ready to support our vitality at all ages and stages of life!
Please note that this class is not only safe for pregnancy, but highly recommended for it!