In this Video Library class we discuss Polyvagal Theory, the nature and process of stress and anxiety, and the role of the vagus nerve in helping to regulate and balance your nervous system, as well as your mental and physical health. Learn to understand the wisdom of your stress response, gain skills to increase your stress resiliency, and discover how to not only recognize when your sympathetic (fight or flight) system has become unnecessarily engaged, but also what techniques can help you to downregulate and get rid of these unpleasant, unwanted, and unneeded feelings.
With the CWY Yoga on Demand subscription you can gain access to this video and over 70 other yoga classes with Erin Jacob covering a wide range of holistic topics.
Have questions? No problem!
Your subscription comes with the YOD Community Hub Group – a private member’s group where you can post questions and Erin will answer, share short video clips and demonstrations, and provide resources and ideas. You will also be able browse through and see what others are asking, and what other interesting techniques, philosophies, or educational content that gets posted regularly!
Free 2-Week Trial!
Go to www.centeredwithinyoga.com/membership-plans-packages , Select the ‘Yoga on Demand Trial - $0’, click select, follow the prompts, and your set! Then click the Video Library tab in the top navigation bar and start exploring!
Regular subscription – only $10 per month