I'm happy to say that this week I'm uploading two brand new classes into the Yoga on Demand Video Library!

Join me as we will celebrate Valentines Day, each other, and ourselves! In this class we will discuss the healing benefits of a self-love and self-compassion practice. The ability to treat ourself with kindness is an absolutely critical element in creating the nervous system states that allow us to heal, grow, and build resiliency.
In this class we will learn to become more mindful of our habituated thoughts towards ourself, explore the quality of our own self-talk, learn how self-compassion can help us to accept our flaws and mistakes and turn them into opportunities for growth and self-improvement, and reestablish a sense of trust in ourself and our capacity to meet our own needs and achieve our dreams.
Our body will be our guide as we explore heart health stretches that will bring balance to body, mind, and spirit!

Join me as we take a deep exploration of the complex realities which shape the possibilities available to our neck, jaw, and eyes. Learn how to realign, mobilize, and reduce neck pain and headaches, experience the profound sense of peace and relief provide by a relaxed jaw, and explore the seldom talked about role of our eye muscles and movements and their ability to improve spinal communication, heal trauma, improve vision, and reduce symptoms of headaches and concussion.
If you struggle from neck or jaw pain or conditions, poor vision, concussion or headaches, stress or anxiety, or if you spend more than 2 hours of your day looking at a screen, this class is for you!
New to the Yoga on Demand Video Library?
With the CWY Yoga on Demand subscription you can gain access to this video and over 70 other yoga classes with Erin Jacob covering a wide range of holistic topics.
Have questions?
No problem! Your subscription comes with the YOD Community Hub Group – a private member’s group where you can post questions and Erin will answer, share short video clips and demonstrations, and provide resources and ideas. You will also be able browse through and see what others are asking, and what other interesting techniques, philosophies, or educational content that gets posted regularly!
Free 2-Week Trial!
Go to www.centeredwithinyoga.com/membership-plans-packages , Select the ‘Yoga on Demand Trial - $0’, click select, follow the prompts, and your set! Then click the Video Library tab in the top navigation bar and start exploring!
Regular monthly subscription – only $10 per month